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News & Events

Finalist for Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize 

November 13, 2024

Thank you to University of Pittsburgh Press and Nate Marshall for naming my manuscript a finalist for the Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize! Thrilled to be alongside Asa Drake, Luke Patterson, Alafia Sessions, and my friend, Bobby Elliott. See the announcement by following the link below.

Finalist for Raz-Shumaker Prairie Schooner Prize in Poetry

September 30, 2024

Happy to share my poetry manuscript was named a finalist for the Raz-Shumaker Prairie Schooner Prize for poetry! Grateful to the readers, judges, and staff, and wishing an enormous congratulations to Gbenga Adesina and all the finalists----a real honor to be in such company. See the announcement by following the link below.

Poem in Ploughshares

April 15, 2024

Blown away to have a poem in the new issue of Ploughshares and find myself in the company of Tommy Orange, Campbell McGrath, Jane Smiley, and so many others I admire. Enormous thanks to everyone on staff for their generosity and care, and to Laila Lalami for selecting this one. The entire issue is amazing, and you can snag a copy by following the link below.


Poem in TriQuarterly

July 15, 2023

Very excited to have a new poem, "August Lyric," in the oh-so-dreamy TriQuarterly! Sending big thanks to everyone on staff for giving this piece such a wonderful home. The entire issue is gorgeous, so check it out below!

Four Poems in B O D Y Literature

July 10, 2023

Enormous thanks to Francesca Bell and everyone on staff at B O D Y for publishing four new poems: "Nocturne Preceding Snow," "A Rabbit Runs Across My Grave," "Pantomime of Spring," and "November Spell II." Thrilled to be in such wonderful company! 

Semi-Finalist for 92Y/Discovery Prize

April 20, 2023

Honored to once again be a Semi-Finalist for the 92/Y Discovery Prize. Enormous congrats to the winners and everyone listed!

Poem on Poetry Daily

April 9, 2022

Big thanks to everyone from Poetry Daily for reprinting my poem "Strange Symbol," which was originally published in New England Review (42.4). Link to the poem below.

Poem in New England Review

January 3, 2022

A thrill to have a poem in the gorgeous new issue of New England Review (42.4). Enormous thanks to Jennifer Chang, Carolyn Kuebler, and everyone on staff for giving my poem, "Strange Symbol," such a dreamy home. Link to the issue below.

Poem in Quarterly West

September 17, 2021

Big thanks to J.P. Grasser and everyone on staff at Quarterly West for giving my poem "January Refrain" such a wonderful home! Thrilled to be among such wonderful company in the [100 Syllables] feature, including Mary Jo Salter, Ted Kooser, and Michael Shewmaker.

Semi-Finalist for 92Y/Discovery Prize

June 3, 2021

Honored to be a semi-finalist for the 92Y Discovery Prize! Congratulations to the four brilliant poets who won, and big thanks to the preliminary judges for their generous reads!

Poem in The Adroit Journal

April 27, 2021

Thrilled to have a poem, "The Beyond," in the new stunning issue of The Adroit Journal (Issue 37) surrounded by the incredible work of L. A. Johnson, Jane Huffman, Jari Bradley, Donte Collins, Natasha Rao, Maya C. Popa, Matthew Olzman, and so many other brilliant artists. Check out "The Beyond" below.

Djanikian Scholar Finalist

April 22, 2021

Very grateful to be named a Djanikian Scholar finalist with The Adroit Journal. Big congrats to these brilliant poets, whose work will be highlighted in the new issue, and big thanks to all on staff at Adroit for their generous eye!

Two Poems in Narrative Magazine

March 4, 2021

Thrilled to share two poems—"Solstice, End of Day" and "November Spell I"—on Narrative as part of the Below 30 Contest. Huge congrats to Medeleine Cravens, Simon Shieh, and all the finalists, and enormous thanks to the editors for their hospitality and hard work!

Third Place Winner in Narrative's 30 Below Contest

December 18, 2020

Blown away to snag third place in Narrative Magazine's 30 Below Contest! Huge congrats to all the winners and finalists, and big thanks to everyone on staff! Check out the announcement by clicking the link below.


Two Poems in Raleigh Review

October 27, 2020

Overjoyed to have a couple of poems in the new gorgeous issue of Raleigh Review! Sending big thanks to everyone on staff, and special thanks to Leah Poole Osowski for her generous eye! You can check out the new issue (10.2) along with RR's archives by following the link below.

Poem on The Iowa Review Online

April 19, 2020

Big thanks to the kind folks at The Iowa Review for including my poem "Massachusetts Psalm" as a part of their National Poetry Month celebration! You can read the poem by following the link below!

Two Poems in Nashville Review

April 1, 2020

Excited to have a couple poems—"Shane (1953)" and "Dream with Perennials"—in the new issue of Nashville Review (Issue 31)! Couldn't ask for better company alongside the always amazing Michael Dhyne and all the incredible work! Thanks to the editors for their hospitality, and check out the issue by following the link below:

Poem in The North American Review

December 3, 2019

Super excited my poem "To My Sister, In Summer" found such a wonderful home in the new issue of The North American Review! Thanks to the editors for including this poem among such terrific work, and check out The North American Review by following the link below!

Two Poems in The Journal

November 8, 2019

Excited to have two poems—"Sunlit and Forever" and "Psalm for the West"—in the new issue of The Journal (43.4). I'm so grateful to the editors and everyone who helped pull this issue together, and especially thrilled to be in the same pages as my wonderful friend, the amazing poet, Michael Dhyne. Follow the link below to check out the issue!

Poem in Third Coast

August 13, 2019

Super excited to have a poem, "All Your Saints Are Still Back East," in the new, oh-so-dreamy issue of Third Coast (Issue 47). Huge thanks to the editors and staff for giving this one such a wonderful home! Follow the link below to snag a copy.

Poem in Ecotone

July 3, 2019

Excited to share that my poem "Yonder" is in the new, gorgeous issue of Ecotone (Issue 27, 14.2) alongside work by Ross Gay, George David Clark, Laura Kolbe, and so many others. Many thanks to Anna Lena Phillips Bell and everyone on staff at Ecotone! Get your hands on a copy of the issue by following the link!

Poem in AGNI

May 15, 2019

Blown away to have a poem, "Landscape with Snow and Huddled Trees," in the new issue of AGNI (Issue 89), one of my absolute dream journals!! Deepest thanks to Sven Birkerts, William Pierce, and everyone on staff for their hospitality and generous eye. This issue is a total stunner, and I hope you consider following the link below to order a copy! 

Semi-Finalist for 92 Y/Discovery Contest

April 9, 2019

So humbled to be a semi-finalist for the 92 Y's Discovery Prize! Huge congrats to the winners, finalists, and semi-finalists, and big thanks to the judges and folks at 92Y.

Poem in New Issue of Blackbird

January 2, 2019

Excited to share that a very long poem of mine, "Major Arcana: How My Father Got to Reno," is in the new, super-loaded issue of Blackbird alongside so many amazing writers (Kaveh Akbar, Kate Daniels, Molly McCully Brown, Susannah Nevinson, Ellen Bryant Voigt, Lisa Russ Spaar, and Caitlin Fitzpatrick). Totally grateful to Mary Flinn and everyone at Blackbird for giving this poem such an amazing home!

The Missouri Review's Poem of the Week

July 24, 2018

Overjoyed my poem "My Father, Driving to the Moon" is The Missouri Review's Poem of the Week! Thank you to the editors and staff and all who helped with this one! Check it out below and read the oh-so fancy Author's Statement I wrote about the piece.

Poem in Salamander

July 6, 2018

Super hyped to have a poem, "To Yorick, in the Garden," in the beautiful new issue of Salamander! Big thanks to the editors and all who worked on the issue. You can order it by following the link below.

Poem in The Cortland Review

June 4, 2018

Very excited to have a poem in the new, super-loaded issue of The Cortland Review! Big thanks to the editors and everyone over at TCR!

Miller Audio Prize Runner-Up

May 25, 2018

My deepest thanks to Avery Trufelman and everyone at The Missouri Review for choosing my piece, "Fragments Torn from Sky," as runner-up  for the 2018 Miller Audio Prize! I'm honored and can't wait to listen to all of these projects!

Edward Stanley Award

May 5, 2018

I'm overjoyed to share that my work was awarded Prairie Schooner's Edward Stanley Award! Endless thanks to Kwame Dawes, Ashley Strosnider, and everyone at PS, and a big congrats to the other award winners! 

Poem in Crab Orchard Review

February 3, 2018

Blown away to have a poem, "Photograph: Massachusetts, 1994," in the new, super-stacked issue of Crab Orchard Review alongside so many folks I admire (Paul Guest, Rodney Jones, Tiana Clark, Kaveh Akbar, Kerry James Evans, Leila Chatti, Marielle Prince, and many more). I'm so grateful to all who put it together! You can check out the full issue by following the link below (my poem is on page 161!).

Poem in Pleiades

January 4, 2018

Overjoyed to have a poem, "November Pastoral," in the new issue of Pleiades! Big, big thanks to Jenny Molberg and everyone who worked on this beautiful issue. Special shoutout to Michael Dhyne for his help with this piece, as well as my sis, Claudia, for driving me around through snowstorms.

Poem in Michigan Quarterly Review

December 1, 2017

Thrilled to have a poem, "After Exodus," in the new issue of Michigan Quarterly Review! This is such a gorgeous issue and I'm blown away to be included (you can order a copy by following the link below). Massive thanks to the Editors and everyone over at MQR!

Two Poems in The Southern Review

November 3, 2017

Totally grateful to have two poems, "Tonight in the Desert" and "Photograph: North Carolina, 2005," in the new issue of The Southern Review. As always, it's a stunning issue and loaded with beautiful work. Big thanks to Jessica Faust and everyone over at The Southern Review! You can get your hands on a copy by following the link below.

Reading at New Dominion Bookshop: Charlottesville, VA

October 20, 2017

Virginia! Join me at New Dominion Bookshop in Charlottesville, Virginia, on October 20, 2017 for a reading through the Charlottesville Reading Series. I'll be reading alongside my wonderful friend (the ever-fantastic and always dazzling) Caitlin Fitzpatrick. Swing by, hear some work, and say hey! 

Poems in Prairie Schooner

October 6, 2017

Excited to have four poems in the new issue of Prairie Schooner! Thanks to Kwame Dawes, Ashley Strosnider, and everyone who worked on this fantastic issue. You can order a copy of the new issue by following the link below, where you will find my poems "After Visiting Faulkner's Grave," "Before My Mother Moves South," "Mississippi Gamblers After Dusk," and "Northern Cardinal in Winter!"

New Poem in Washington Square Review

October 1, 2017

Stoked to have a poem in the new issue of Washington Square Review alongside my teacher, friend, and fellow Ric Flair enthusiast, Paul Guest. It's a gorgeous issue and you can check it out below. Big thank you to the editors and everyone over at WSR!

New Poem in Blackbird

May 31, 2017

I'm overjoyed to have a poem in the new issue of Blackbird! Big thanks to Mary Flinn, Gregory Donovan, and everyone who worked on this issue. I'm especially happy to have my work alongside one of my UVA guardian angels, Debra Nystrom, who workshopped this poem and always blows me away with her amazing work.

Two Poems in storySouth

March 21, 2017

Big, enormous thanks to Luke Johnson, Terry Kennedy, and everyone at storySouth for publishing a couple poems in the new issue! So excited to be neighbors with Natasha Oladokun and among so many gorgeous pieces!

Two Poems in The Adroit Journal

March 15, 2017

I'm completely thrilled to have a couple of pieces in the new issue of The Adroit Journal alongside so many tremendous writers (like Sarah Rose Nordgren)! One of the poems is in a bunch of parts, the other borrows its title from a Deerhunter song (who maybe borrowed it from Baudelaire). Big, enormous thanks to Peter LaBerge and everyone over at Adroit! 

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